Here at PSGT we've been planning a new picture-based feature for the 2012/13 season.
It's working title was PSG players with shit tattoos, as I've noticed that a lot of the squad have terrible ink, the sort of thing you would only usually see on a sailor or a chav. Or a footballer.
But I've decided to instead give it a more general theme, as the internet is full of amusing PSG-related photos which deserve to be shared with a wider audience.
Today's effort is a doozy, and I'm sure most of us Anglo-Saxons can feel Clement Chantome's pain. You're enjoying a nice holiday, be it by the pool or on the beach, and decide to take off your shirt and catch some rays. Unfortunately it isn't long before a brown, muscular good looking poser pitches up next door to make you feel completely inadequate. The poser in this instance is new signing Ezequiel Lavezzi, and as @jeremysmith98 pointed out on Twitter, what better metaphor could you need for Old PSG v New PSG?
Monday, 23 July 2012
Stupid PSG picture of the week: Lavezzi gives Chantome body envy

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